The past few days in Jersey have been excessively boring. I haven’t really done much of anything that could be considered interesting. I haven’t even been called back to work at the farm yet, so mostly I’ve just been hanging out, doing random stuff, and missing Mike
The other day I actually got around to taking the last of my deer stands down. It’s only been, what…about four months since the last day of deer season??? I guess I could say I’ve had other things on my mind. If I was planning on hunting there this deer season I would have just left them up since deer season is only a few months away.
I kind of hate taking stands down by myself. It IS easier than putting them up by myself, but I always seem to run into some sort of problem or another. Last year the stand fell when I was still in the tree so I had to figure out how to get out of the tree without a stand there to help.
This year I had to take down a ladder stand and a lock on stand that was hung above it for filming. The lock on was easy enough, and the ladder stand was easy enough to unstrap and climb down. But then I had a tough time pulling it away from the tree since it was pretty embedded into the bark after having been there for nearly a year. Then I couldn’t get the sections apart to break the stand down and put it in the back of my truck. I ended up hooking it around a tree and yanking it, which worked just fine.
Camera arms down, treesteps out, looks like I have everything out of the woods for once in my life. It’s weird. I haven’t even put my trail camera up, and not even sure if I’m going to put it up in Jersey this year.
I returned my dads one stand, climbing sticks, feeder, and my brothers deer target that I used as a decoy. Unfortunately that was only on afternoon.
I talked to the owner of the land where I deer hunt and he told me that there are several gobblers strutting in the field below his house every morning, the same field I deer hunt. Looks like I’ll have to get a turkey permit soon. I was going to buy one for next week, but I just looked at the forecast and it’s supposed to rain all week. So, I’m going to wait and see what the week after will be like. No one else is hunting there anyway, its not like the turkeys are going to go anywhere.
I’ve been racking my brain for other things to do now that I’m home and no working yet. I’ve cleaned my whole house, folded my clothes, paid my bills, visited my family. I even decided to grow my nails out instead of biting them everytime they get long. That only lasted for about two days. I’m running out of things to do. I wish I WAS back to work!!!
Next week I’m going to take a trip down the Paulinskill River and see if the grass carp are in the shallows yet. Might was well get some bowfishing in!!! Last year I didn’t have a ton of luck, but I didn’t have a ton of time either. So, that will give me something fun to do!!! Time to get out my Silverhawk bow and set it up for bowfishing again.
So, my goal for the month of May: kill a turkey and some carp!!!
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